Social Newspaper L'école de design x Facebook

The social newspaper is a weekly paper send to people who do not have access to Facebook. It was originally created for a senior audience.
The journal is fed with news selected by Facebook users related to the person receiving it.

The social news paper is a concept which started at l'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique when a project brief was to design a new product for Facebook. The exercise had to be made in 3 steps: Research/ Ideation/ Finalisation. During the research phase I made a simple observation by looking at social network sites' distribution among the population, by age, urbanity and gender. According to this research the person who would use the least social media would be an old lady living in the country side.

I then asked to several elder people why they did not use social media and what the platform or themselves were lacking to use them. The answer was generally the lack of computer skills or vision troubles when looking at a screen. Along with interviews I also noticed their interest into the newspaper by spotting many daily papers into their home.
The answer was then to develop a paper targeted at people who are not able to visit social media platforms.
The paper would be fed by Facebook users selected by the customer when registering. Facebook will then create a Facebook group from it. Members of this group will then be tasked to share pieces of their social life and vote for the content of the paper. Based on the data gathered from the user’s wall, Facebook can print a paper once a week and deliver it to the customer.

Content of the paper.
This project was created back in 2013 when I was sudying at l'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique. At the time, being a student, I never thought of making the project alive. I proudly discovered last year that someone had the same idea later and developed a similar project in France called Famileo.